Our vision: Invest for Good
We believe that technology and sustainability are compatible: tech startups must not only work to make the lives of individuals, businesses and societies better through their value proposition, but they must also limit the negative externalities of their very activities.
We pay attention to the purpose of the business models that are proposed to us, and we make sure that we reduce the carbon impact of our portfolio.
Our Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) approach is fundamental, as reflected in our mission: 'Invest for Good'.
Our vision: Invest for Good
We believe that technology and sustainability are compatible: tech startups must not only work to make the lives of individuals, businesses and societies better through their value proposition, but they must also limit the negative externalities of their very activities.
We pay attention to the purpose of the business models that are proposed to us, and we make sure that we reduce the carbon impact of our portfolio.
Our Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) approach is fundamental, as reflected in our mission: 'Invest for Good'.

Our Commitment: Sustainable Future by A4
In 2021, we have designed and launched, together with our venture EcoTree, a pioneering private equity tool: a dedicated forest sink creation and renewal fund.
Entitled Sustainable Future by A4, this fund is the first of its kind. With this innovation, we want to encourage as many private equity and asset management players as possible to become fully involved in contributing to global carbon neutrality and promote biodiversity.

How does it work?
Prior to each investment in a start-up, A4 adds a 1% markup on the subscription to invest in the 'Sustainable Future by A4' sub-fund and also offers each investor the opportunity to contribute more on a discretionary basis. The General Partner of A4 is also contributing in a similar way to the sub-fund.
In addition to the many ecosystem services provided by the forest (including carbon sequestration), this asset is not without economic interest since a managed forest allows its investors to expect an annualized return equivalent to 2% per year and of the benefit of a Net carbon value of its opened position in “SF by A4”.

A fund compliant with the SFDR
The SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) is a regulation designed to promote sustainability in the finance sector in Europe. In addition to the application of its “Invest for Good” DNA, Accurafy has worked to make its General Partner as well as its products, i.e. its funds, as compliant as possible. Sustainability risk means an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause a negative material impact on the value of the investment. Sustainability risks are taken into account in investment decisions through ESG criteria. These ESG criteria are included in the due diligence process and in the evaluation of investment opportunities. Environmental, social and societal aspects are considered in order to assess the impact of the current investment's activity on its ecosystem and stakeholders. This actual impact can affect the Fund's performance both positively and negatively. Indeed, the likely impacts of a sustainability risk may be numerous and can vary depending on the specific risk and asset class. To the extent that a sustainability risk materialises, or materialises in a manner that is not anticipated by Accurafy, there may be a sudden, material negative impact on the value of an investment An in-depth study of the Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) is not carried out at this stage due to the nature of the investments made and the resources available. The General Partner is nevertheless considering the possibility of studying these PAIs in a mid-term future.
A dedicated plot in the Sarran forest is the first laboratory for this collaboration. Based on the Verra & Low Carbon Label methodologies, EcoTree applies its own methodology to estimate the carbon sequestration made possible by these investments. This methodology as well as the estimates of each of the forests are verified by Bureau Veritas, a world leader in certification, on an ex-ante and ex-post basis.